BDSM 101 is a class series geared towards new kinksters that I taught at Sanctuary LAX every Monday evening from 2014-2020. During quarantine, I transitioned to offering this course series online and eventually filmed the entire series for easy access on gumroad! If you are new, exploring, or simply interested in taking a deeper dive into BDSM, this class series is made for you. In it, I cover the BDSM fundamentals to help you understand and navigate the scene, including tips on how to play and negotiate for safe, consensual scenes! 

I AM OFFERING the full BDSM 101 intensive LIVE with the demo portion included on JULY 29TH 2024!!


Otherwise, for those interested in the 101 core series (classes 1-4) that can’t make in-person events, the entire class series can be found on my gumroad site!

All BDSM 101 classes are available here:

Access to classes online: Jenn Masri ( 

BDSM 101 Intensive LIVE JULY 29th:


WEEK ONE:  Terms and Language: What does it all mean? (avail online)

This class goes over terms and language used in the BDSM community.  Some terms may also be used in the vanilla (aka non-kinky) world, yet have a different meaning in this community.  (like the word “vanilla” – perfect example!  lol)  This class will be the foundation for future learning and simply being able to have a conversation with others without getting lost in the language or confused by meaning.

WEEK TWO:  Safety: Play AND People! (avail online)

This class is all about the very important topic of safety.  This class will cover basic physical safety when you play (as a bottom and/or a top) as well as safety during interactions with others.  This includes issues when you are dating in the scene and meeting people on-line.  Basic rules for negotiation will also be covered.

WEEK THREE:  Toys and Tools: What Are They and How do I Use Them? (lecture portion is avail online, but demo can only be watched at in-person intensives)

LIVE DEMO!! This class will go over various toys/tools/implements and basic information about how to use them.  From different ways to use your bare hands to fun things like crops and floggers!  We will also cover basic protocol (common courtesy) when you are playing – or watching others play – publicly.

WEEK FOUR:  D/s (Dominant/submissive) dynamic: It’s not all about Play (avail online)

This class discusses the D/s dynamic that, for many people in the community, is a part of their relationship.  Play and kinky sex can be a part of that dynamic, however, it can go much deeper than that.  This class is about the power exchange between Dominant and submissive and the most common types of D/s relationships in the community.

Other Classes Offered Online

D is NOT for Douchebag –

As seen at DOMCON 2021, this class will cover the dos and don’ts for responsible D-types and point out specific red flags to look out for if a D-type is being…well, kind of a huge D—! Listen to Jenn field questions from the audience throughout the presentation and remember to check out more LostNFound LIVE!

This is a full-length class shot live at DomCon LA. It contains real questions from a live audience and all of the in-person charisma Jenn brings to her live presentations!

LostNFound LIVE! Class Series: “D” Is NOT For Douchebag (

Communication Toolbox –

As seen at DOMCON 2021, this Communication Toolbox class covers 4 different approaches to improve your communication and to disarm defensiveness before it begins! Learn about nonviolent communication (NVC), transparent communication, meta-communication, and the 3 C’s, plus extra tidbits and questions from the audience that make this class choc-full of information and laughter!

This is a full-length class shot live at DomCon LA. It condenses multiple communication courses Jenn M. has taught over the years into a single dose of uber-helpful acronyms and real-life experiences.

LostNFound LIVE! Class Series: Communication Toolbox (